On a family trip to Niagara Falls, visiting Rotarian Suchil Malhotra (from Rotary District 3040 India) and his wife Ruby dropped by Syros Diner to visit with members of the Proudly Binational Lewiston/NOTL Rotary Club and absorb a little of the local ambience on April 3, 2023.
Rotary is proud of its’ International reach. There are over 46,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide with a membership of more than 1.4 million individuals of all nations, professions and orientations and every member is welcomed in any country that they may visit.
Suchil will be a Rotary District Governor in India in 2025-2026 . He and Ruby are very interested in promoting Friendship Exchanges with interested Rotarians in which Rotary members host Rotarians from other countries in their homes for an immersion into the local culture and then, in turn are hosted by those same members in their homes at a later time. They have also promoted Global Grants in which Rotary Clubs in two different countries, aided by a Grant from the Rotary International Foundation, work together to help alleviate a problem in one of the Rotary areas of Focus (promoting peace; fighting disease; providing clean water/sanitation/hygiene: promoting maternal and child health; promoting education, developing local economies and protection the environment.)
Together Rotarians from Western New York and Southern Ontario look forward to joining with our members in countries around the world to make a difference in our local, national and worldwide communities.
(Pictured are (L to R) Rotarian Ruby Malhotra and Suchil Malhotra from India, Rotarians Kathy Gerbasi, Rotary Club Secretary Tommy Gerbasi, Rotary Club Treasurer Ron Danielewicz from Lewsiton/NOTL )